
Australasian Society of Career Medical Officers

Bellingen Health Campus, Bellingen, NSW

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  to place your advertisement, please email: David Brock  []

This advertisement was posted on 27th June 2019

Bellingen Health Campus, Bellingen, NSW

Would you like to work in Australia's finest climate, surrounded by long white
beaches with rainforest only 15 km away?

Are you looking for a job that's stable but flexible, autonomous but supported,
and paid at a level consistent with your experience?

    The rural coastal town of Bellingen is located on the north coast of NSW, midway between Sydney and Brisbane, with daily access by air to all Australian capital cities via Coffs Harbour, approximately a 20-minute drive away. The area boasts superb beaches, mountain scenery, excellent facilities, boutique atmosphere and a relaxed outdoor lifestyle.

    Bellingen District Hospital is a level 3, rural, 48 bed facility located in the Bellingen Shire. It provides inpatient acute and sub-acute services, emergency medicine services, day-only surgical services and an inpatient Palliative Care Service. The Emergency Department is open 24 hours 7 days a week with phone access and telemetry access to specialist support at all times.

    We are seeking a Hospitalist who would have the experience and qualifications to be eligible for Senior CMO status and have admitting rights to Bellingen Health Campus

    For further information about this exciting opportunity, please contact:

Please apply online by visiting:

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The information contained within has been provided in good faith.
However, it may contain opinions and errors in fact. Therefore all information is not to be relied upon by any party.
It is presented to stimulate debate amongst the medical profession only

page maintained by David Brock for the ASCMO