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Welcome to ASCMO's copies of the "ASCMO Times". It began as the "CMO Bulletin" in 1996 and documents our activities and growth. The "ASCMO Times" is mailed to all ASCMO members. You are welcome to submit articles, comments and letters to the editor.

Current Edition

HTML format
(ie: can be viewed as webpage)


will give you an identical copy to the mailed out version, that can be viewed and/or printed.
NB: Because these are relatively large files, they may take several minutes to download (see below)

August 2017 ASCMO Times

[HTML version unavailable]

August 2017 ASCMO Times [1 MB pdf]




Past Issues of ASCMO Times

HTML format
(ie: can be viewed as webpage)

will give you an identical copy to the mailed out version.
NB: Because these are relatively large files, they may take several minutes to download (see below)

August 2015 ASCMO Times

[HTML version unavailable]

August 2015 ASCMO Times [2MB pdf]

May 2011 Newsletter

[HTML version unavailable]

May 2011 Newsletter [0.9 MB pdf]

October 2010 ASCMO Times

[HTML version unavailable]

October 2010 ASCMO Times [1.7MB pdf]

July 2009 ASCMO Times

[HTML version unavailable]

July 2009 ASCMO Times [1.1MB pdf file]

July 2008 ASCMO Times

[HTML version unavailable]

July 2008 ASCMO Times [1.1MB pdf file]

October 2006 ASCMO Times

[HTML version unavailable]

Oct 2006 ASCMO Times

June 2003 Newsletter

June 2003 Newsletter

[Acrobat version unavailable]

Jan 2003 Newsletter

[HTML version unavailable]

Jan 2003 Newsletter
[114 KBytes]

April 2002 No.1

[HTML version unavailable]

April 2002 ASCMO Times
[502 KBytes]

Jan 2001 Vol 4 No.3

[HTML version unavailable]

Jan 2001
[376 KBytes]

May 2000 Vol 4 No.1

includes FULL details of CMOA's 2000 Annual General Meeting

May 2000 [63 KBytes]

May 2000

Part A (pages 1 & 12)
[223 KBytes]
Part B (pages 2 to 11)
[388 KBytes]

January 2000 Vol 3 No.3
includes details of CMOA's 10th & 11th Committee Meetings

January 2000
[63 KBytes]

Jan 2000

Part A (pages 1 & 12)
[337 KBytes]
Part B (pages 2 to 11)
[526 KBytes]

Sept 1999 Vol 3 No.2

currently unavailable

Sept 1999 (pages 1 to 12)
[730 KBytes]

May 1999 Vol 3 No. 1

currently unavailable

May 1999
Part A (pages 1 & 12)
[271 KBytes]
Part B (pages 2 to 11)
currently unavailable

1999 Annual General Meeting Edition (Feb 1999)
includes FULL details of proposed changes to NSW CMO Award

Feb 1999 AGM Edition
[82 KBytes]

currently unavailable

Oct 1998 Vol 2 No. 2

October 1998
[39 KBytes]

currently unavailable

June 1998 Vol 2 No. 1

June 1998
[64 KBytes]

June 1998
Part A (pages 1 & 12)
[260 KBytes]
Part B (pages 2 to 11)
[452 KBytes]

Jan 1998 Vol 1 No. 5

currently unavailable

January 1998
Part A (pages 1 & 12)
[349 KBytes]
Part B (pages 2 to 11)
currently unavailable

  Dec 1997 Vol 1 No. 4

currently unavailable

December 1997
Part A (pages 1 & 12)
[349 KBytes]
Part B (pages 2 to 11)
[497 KBytes]

July 1997 Vol 1 No. 3

currently unavailable

July 1997
Part A (pages 1 & 12)
[381 KBytes]
Part B (pages 2 to 11)
[454 KBytes]

April 1997 Vol 1 No. 2

currently unavailable

April 1997
Part A (pages 1 & 12)
[391 KBytes]
Part B (pages 2 to 11)
[551 KBytes]

Dec 1996 Vol 1 No. 1
Our inaugural edition

Volume 1 No. 1 (Dec 1996)

currently unavailable


Some CMO Bulletins are available in "Adobe Acrobat" format for you to download and view.
Printing these will give you an identical copy to the mailed out version.

Some copies are provided in full, other copies are provided in 2 parts ..
PART A = Front and Back Pages of the Bulletin
PART B = All the pages in between

NB: Because these are relatively large files,
they may take several minutes to download

you will need "Adobe Acrobat Reader" to view these files.
Clicking on the links above will automatically "open" Acrobat Reader if it is already installed on your computer.
If this does not occur, consider downloading and installing Acrobat Reader from the link below:


Support ASCMO and receive mailed copies of the CMO Bulletin

ASCMO Application Form

Submitting items for the CMO Bulletin

Editor, Dr Michael Boyd (email:

This is your journal. You are welcome to submit letters, articles, papers, photographs, cartoons, quotable quotes, in fact just about anything that its legal to print. CMO Bulletin will only be as good as your contributions make it, so get to your word processors.

All items submitted should be either sent on disc, or e-mail to the Editor. Just about any PC or Mac Word Processing format is acceptable. When submitting items on disc, please label your disc, and provide a printed copy if possible.

Please contact the Editor if you wish to submit material generated in other types of software applications. Illustrations should be in black ink, on plain white paper with nothing on the back. Photographs can be either black & white or colour. Typed copy is acceptable only if you have no other means available, and we can't seriously expect our publisher to read doctors' handwriting - so don't even think about it.

this site is intended for use by medical professionals only
all information is a guide only and not to be relied upon by any party.

site maintained by David Brock for ASCMO