
Australasian Society of Career Medical Officers

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The Australasian Society of Career Medical Officers (ASCMO) is a non-profit organisation. Our society began as the Career Medical Officers Association (CMOA) in 1996, and continues to run on a voluntary basis by Career Medical Officers (CMOs). Membership Fees are nominal (more info). View our founding objectives. Our activities are documented in past CMO Bulletins.

Contact ASCMO's COMMITTEE Members
Contact ASCMO's Office Manager
Contact Website Co-ordinator
Post comments/questions in our Open Forum/Guestbook.
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      Please send all Correspondence to:
        Australasian Society of Career Medical Officers.
        ASCMO Administration
        PO BOX 159
        Bexley, NSW 2207

ASCMO seeks to represent CMOs and SMOs across Australasia, supporting their informational, educational, industrial and political needs. ASCMO seeks to ensure that CMOs are properly recognised for the significant contribution we make to the healthcare of all Australasians. Our website allows CMOs to share and discuss issues, access information and educational material not otherwise readily obtainable, whilst enjoying the sense of belonging to a wider medical community.

Founding Objectives of the CMOs Association, 1996

  • To act in the interests of Career Medical Officers.
  • To encourage and promote this area of medicine as a legitimate and rewarding career option.
  • To formulate and implement educational strategies and programs that further the development of this branch of medicine.
  • To formulate industrial strategies and guidelines that will protect the interests of it's members.
  • To lobby, educate and work with other medical organisations, the public and Government departments as the need arises.
  • To work to maintain the relative independence and flexibility which has been a feature of this career option in the past.
  • To encourage in it's members an interest in non-medical matters.

this site is intended for use by medical professionals only
all information is a guide only and not to be relied upon by any party.

site maintained by David Brock for ASCMO