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Industrial Information:
Articles of a "Political" nature. (Some written by CMOs)
Click here to view the discussion paper on
Medicare Locals due to be established from 1 July 2011
Should CMO's/Hospitalists be represented in some way as the remaining generalists?
May 2006 Proposal for Hospialists in NSW
25 May 2006
NSW Min of Health's response to ASCMO's concerns about delays in Sen CMO appln process
21 Feb 2006
ASCMO's letter to NSW Min of Health raising concerns about delays implementing CMO Award in NSW
7 Dec 2005
Letter from Medical Training and Education Council of NSW ,
asking ASCMO for information on how CMOs receive training and education. by Evan Rawstrom, Executive officer, MTEC, June 2003
Catch 22 for CMOs seeking study leave in NSW by David Brock, June 2003
(ASCMO is working with ASMOF/HAREA, with a claim currently before NSW Industrial Commission to address this issue)
Letter supporting introduction/invention of Advanced Trained CMOs in NSW
David Tree, Nov 2002
CMOs .. Glue for the system or grist for the mill
Michael Boyd, May 2001.
Bullying in the workplace ASCMO's list of Bullying links
CMOA Submission to ASEM on AMWAC Emergency Medicine Workforce Recommendations Stephen Delprado
Summary of Mid term review of the provider number legislation. December 1999.
CMOs in the emerging role of Hospitalists John Egan et al, April 2000
Continual Medical Education required for doctors registered in NSW September 2000.
The Career Paths, Training Needs and Future Role of
Non-Specialist Senior Medical Officers In Queensland
Bricknell et al, June 1999.
Hospitalist: Collaboration not Competition David S Mah, Nov 1999.
Other Political/Industrial Comment